Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Estimating Costs and Allocating Resources: Project Management Resources

            This week we were asked to find resources that would be helpful for instructional design projects. After all, there are many pieces to every project--costs, time, effort, activities, resources, etc. Keeping track of all of that seems like a herculean task! Nonetheless, there are many resources that can help, especially in this age of technology.
1. Insightly is free for up to 3 users and then it is $29 per month. I was intrigued by this tool because it is a Google App (and it's free--that's a price you can't beat!).  I really like how you can import your Gmail contacts and any other important documents for the project. It seems easy to use, especially if you already use Google applications. In fact, after I set up my project "Let's Go Camping," I could see e-mails, notes (from Evernote, too!), files, milestones, tasks and events associated with the project. It was all there in one spot and I can invite people to that one spot, too, so this looks like it would be a great resource to use with your project team and stakeholders. Communication should be transparent and current if this Google App is used.
2. While Insightly is free, it doesn't look quite as appealing as Basecamp, another project management site. Basecamp has discussion threads, "To-Do" lists, file storage, and calendars among other features. Again, everything is all in one place, making it easy to keep your team and stakeholders organized and in the know. Basically it looks to be like Insightly only more aesthetically pleasing and possibly more user-friendly and it costs $20 a month.
3. Vertex 42: The Guide to Excel in Everything has free Excel budget templates! Budgeting for a project is the thing that scares me most (namely because of the unknowns), so having some templates with the formulas and some of the budget areas already listed is a big plus. I think this kind of resource would help me as I tried to get a handle on the budgeting side of projects. As an added bonus, there are even some tips and resources (with working hyperlinks!) at the bottom of the page that can further help one plan the project budget.
            Honestly, there are a plethora of project management resources available on the internet; however, these are the three resources I've found that I think would best serve me at this point. It's good to know, though, that there are a number of project management resources available and project managers who are active on the internet. (I actually found all of my resources using Pinterest! I plan to peruse Twitter next.) That kind of support should help me succeed with any project I am assigned or choose to tackle in the future.

#1 Free Online CRM for Small Business: Customer Relationship Software - Insightly. (2013). In Insightly. Retrieved from
Portny, S. E., Mantel, S. J., Meredith, J. R., Shafer, S. M., Sutton, M. M., & Kramer, B. E. (2008). Project management: Planning, scheduling, and controlling projects. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Project Budget Template. (2013). In Vertex 42. Retrieved from
Project management software, online collaboration: Basecamp. (2013). In Basecamp. Retrieved from

Smith, T. (2013, May 13). 10 Great Project Management Tools for Freelancers. In SparkPlugging. Retrieved from


  1. Thanks for such great links, Lesley. I started using since the beginning of this class. I agree it has wonderful templates and to top it all, there are for free. enjoy the rest of your classes.

    1. Thanks, Thuthu! I'd never heard of it before, but it has a plethora of templates for all kinds of things! God bless the Internet... What did people do before it? ;-)

  2. Hi Lesley,
    Thanks for sharing the information about the insightly and basecamp tools. What’s intriguing is the ability to share/collaborate and have all of your information available in one place – online. I feel confident and updated on the technologies I use in my classroom, but after researching for this project and checking out these two sites, I feel out-of-the-loop on this type of tool. All of these tools are exciting, but a little intimidating. Sometimes I think that if/when I make the leap back to corporate from education I’m going to have a huge learning curve!


    1. Thanks, Melissa! I wish I had more of a reason to try Basecamp, but Insightly will have to do. It's truly amazing to be able to put it all together in one spot and keep track of things there. I'm going to test it out with my case study and see if it's truly as helpful as it seems. However, I bet if an organization does many projects, they would have their own system. Nevertheless, I'm looking forward to practicing because, like you, I feel a bit out of the loop! Time to try to catch up... ;-)

  3. Hi Lesley

    Thanks for sharing these great resources! The first two seem like wonderful options that can be used for staying organized and making information accessible throughout a project. I really like the Vertex 42 resource as well. I think this would super helpful for me as a person who is inexperienced in developing budgets for a project. Have a template to guide me through the process is so very helpful and I definitely agree that tips are wonderful added bonus.


    1. Amber, I love all things that help me stay organized, especially if it's a kind of one-stop shop. I could try Basecamp for free for a month, but I thought it might be better to do that when I have a real project on my hands. For the case study, I'll try Insightly and see how that goes.
      And just so you know, Vertex 42 has a TON of resources! I actually found it on Pinterest and have since discovered templates for all kinds of things. It's definitely a site to bookmark and use again and again.

  4. Lesley,

    Thanks for sharing these resources! I have been looking for some templates and there are lots on different blogs and websites out there, I am feeling so overwhelmed with which to choose. It's best we are able to go through and see which we like now versus if we were doing an actual project!

    I was happy to read that you'd found some of these on Pinterest....I hadn't thought of browsing there for resources- I'm such a huge Google fan and only really used Pinterest for house and classroom ideas. I'll be looking for more on there now!


  5. Lesley,

    Great resources!! I did my Blog wrong ..... oops! I like insightly since it is free for up to 3 users & it's Google friendly & I also liked vertex42 since it's Excel & templates. Great finds & job.

