Shock #1: Learning styles don't exist.
I dare you to walk into a teacher
in-service and say, “Learning styles don’t exist.” Heads will turn, jaws will
drop, and arguments will ensue. Nevertheless, I feel like I could now walk into
that in-service and convince educators that teaching to students’ learning
styles isn’t as important as teaching the content in the appropriate way. As
long as the content is approached in the proper manner, learners will be able
to store the information and recall it when necessary and that's what educators
want (Willingham, 2008). We are all able to learn in a variety of ways, so
teachers do not need to adjust to learners' learning styles. Instead, teachers
need to think about what they want their students to understand. For example,
if want my students to know where Shakespeare was born and to be able to
identify that on a map, I should present that information visually. Verbally
explaining where Stratford-upon-Avon is located will likely not work as well as
showing the students on a map. Therefore, even if a learner is considered to be
an auditory learner, he/she will best learn to locate Stratford-upon-Avon by
seeing it on a map. If you would like to know more about this, please see
Daniel Willingham's YouTube video. He clearly explains his views and it will
make teachers who have felt guilty about "catering" to specific
learning styles feel much better about their practice.
Shock #2: Learning is easy.
I’ve come to the shocking realization that
I don’t really have to try to learn; it kind of just happens since I am
connected to so many networks via my place of employment (Colegio Americano deTorreon or CAT), the internet, and my social networks. CAT has in-services and
workshops on a semi-regular basis, so I am able to share ideas with colleagues
to continue my growth as an educator. The internet is chock-full of resources,
too, so without even trying, I follow respected education experts' blogs with
Google Reader and I have connected with them on Twitter. It's so easy! And it's
a connectivist concept--I'm using my networks of people, technology, social
structures, systems, etc. to "share ideas with others, thereby
'cross-pollinating' the learning environment" (Davis, Edmunds, &
Kelly-Bateman, 2008). Once you're connected, learning becomes so easy because
so much of it just comes to you instead of you going to it.
Shock #3: Learning theories provide the base for good instruction.
Well, perhaps that statement isn't
shocking, except it is for me. Previously learning theories were something I had to learn, but I was more interested
in learning styles and how I presented the content to accommodate those
learning styles. However, I now understand "learning theories are a source
of verified instructional strategies, tactics, and techniques" that
"provide the foundation for intelligent and reasoned strategy
selection" (Ertmer & Newby, 1993, p. 51). Knowing learning theories
will guide one to use the appropriate learning style, whether it be visual, auditory,
kinesthetic, naturalist, interpersonal, etc. Likewise, technology may support the
learning style and technology (especially with younger learners) increases motivation
because learners are using something they with which they are comfortable and something
they like.
Honestly, the most shocking element this course
has revealed to me is that learning theories are relevant and they do matter. Before
this course, I would have helped prove Ertmer and Newby's (1993) statement: "It
appears that the real benefits of theoretical knowledge are, at present, not being
realized" (p. 52). I believe I had one undergraduate course that focused on
learning theories, so I assumed they were simply these abstract concepts that someone
dreamed up that were important to someone somewhere. However, I am now that someone
and hope I am able to be a better teacher and instructional designer now that I
know how valuable theory can be. Learning theories shall be the guides that lead
me intentionally and thoughtfully into the 21st century of education and they will
be the light that continues to point me in the right direction.
Davis, C., Edmunds, E., & Kelly-Bateman, V. (2008). Connectivism. In M. Orey (Ed.), Emerging perspectives on learning, teaching, and technology. Retrieved from, P. A., & Newby, T. J. (1993). Behaviorism, cognitivism, constructivism: Comparing critical features from an instructional design perspective. Performance Improvement Quarterly, 6(4),50-71.
Willingham, D. (2008, August 21). Learning Styles Don't Exist. In YouTube. Retrieved December 21, 2012, from